Good Morning Vision Academy Families,
We hope everyone is well and continuing to stay safe during these times.
Category: Community Communications
Community Communications
Welcome Back Letter
Dear Vision Academy Families,
Welcome back to school! I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are relaxed, recharged, and ready to start a new school year! We have officially completed the first three days of school, and as we know that all roads are full of twists and turns, we all showed true grace, patience, and flexibility through our determination in finding correct Zoom links, figuring out login information, and just being open to meeting and interacting with new people (teachers, scholars, and other staff).
Electronic Device Pick-up Instructions
Dear VACS Families,
Please read this message carefully and follow the instructions described below regarding electronic device pick-up for next week. Pick-up hours will be 9am-2pm on the following days:
Reopening Family Letter 21-22 SY
Dear Vision Academy Charter School Families,
We hope this letter finds you all in good health and good spirits! We have missed seeing everyone at school and
look forward to the safe return to our campus.
Monitoring Coronavirus
Attention Vision Academy Families, Governor Tom Wolf has pushed back the “stay at home” order in PA through April 30th. This means that Vision Academy will be closed until at least April 30th, or until further notice. The Pennsylvania Department Read More …